
2012-2015 Golf Rules Quick Reference


Helpful hints:

Learn the definitions in Section 11 in the Rules of Golf  booklet.  The definitions are italicized within the actual rules and they vary from regular dictionary definitions.

Other words to better understand the rules:

Deemed– judged to be

May –optional

Should-strongly recommended  Must (Must Not) – instruction, a penalty is involved

Read the entire rule including exceptions and notes.

Important Rules to Know:

Rule 20 Lifting, Dropping & Placing; Playing from a Wrong Place

(With Rule 20 there is always another rule involved.)

Rule 13 Play the Ball as it Lies

Rule 18 Ball at Rest Moved

Rule 19 Ball in Motion Deflected or Stopped

Rule 23 Loose Impediments

Rule 24 Obstructions

Rule 26 Water Hazards Including Lateral Hazards

Rule 27 Ball Lost or Out of Bounds; Provisional Ball

Rule 28 Ball Unplayable

See you before you know it! Skills Challenge is April 7th.

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