OSWGA Statement on RIGA/RIWGA Merger

Click the link to read the Board approved statement.


Below-ProJo article 5/28/13. Click on the newsprint to bring up a pdf file.
















To read he article in SNEGolfer on page 11. Click here.

Original post:

The RIGA has scheduled the open meeting regarding the proposed merger with RIWGA on April 17 @ Metacomet Country Club.

A reminder of our sentiment regarding this issue:  “Your board is confident that OSWGA will continue to be a force in women’s golf in Rhode Island. A drop in membership is not anticipated nor can you expect anything to be done differently than what’s been done since OSWGA’s inception in 1995.  ”

Anyone interested in attending should read the attached for more information. As mentioned in the attached letter, appetizers and a cash bar will be available and RIGA is requesting you RSVP to the phone number noted.

Read more….

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