Category Archives: Improve your Rules Knowledge

Rule of the Day

RULE OF THE DAY We play by the USGA rules of golf. Ignorance of these rules is no excuse, and if a rule is broken, all USGA regulated penalties will apply. If at any time in the round, if there … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Improve your Rules Knowledge, Updates | Leave a comment

Interested in learning more about The Rules of Golf?

The Rules Committee of OSWGA is looking for new volunteers. The current members are still staying on, but we would like to expand the committee. If there is anyone interested in learning about the official Rules of Golf and/or possibly … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Improve your Rules Knowledge, Updates | Leave a comment

Principle Changes to the Rules of Golf

USGA, R & A Announce New Rules of Golf 2012 “Changes in the rules-which for the first time have been designed, published and presented jointly by golf’s governing bodies-include exonerating a player form penalty if it is known their ball … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Improve your Rules Knowledge, Principle Changes to the Rules of Golf | Leave a comment

Complete Rules of Golf

“Even a modest understanding of the rules can greatly enhance the pleasure to be derived from the sport. Further, it is difficult to understand how it is possible to become a devotee of golf without at least becoming inquisitive about … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Complete Rules of Golf, Improve your Rules Knowledge | Leave a comment