OSWGA Women’s Four Ball at Pawtucket Country Club Opens June 2nd!

Thank you Pawtucket Country Club!
Flight 1
Maureen Ford & Ann Moran
Flight 2
Elizabeth Penkala & Leony Hartig
Flight  3
Pam Kelley & Auring Thornley
Flight 4
Sandi Harper & Batty Shadeck
Flight 5
Linda Paolozzi & Carolyn Brown
Flight 6
Brenda Martin & Sue Dusablon
Flight 7
Peg Cherenzia & Carol Cherry
OSWGA Women’s Four Ball Championship
Tuesday & Wednesday June 16 & 17
Please go to the Golf Genius Portal Page for full results
Posted in 2020, 2020 Tournaments | Leave a comment

June 2020 Board of Director’s Meeting

June 2020 OSWGA Board of Director’s Meeting
Via Zoom
Thursday June 18th 4:30 p.m.
Please contact OSWGA President Pat Dickson at:
pdickson1@earthlink.net if you’d like to join

OSWGA 06-18-20 Agenda


Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment

Allendale Cancelled

Hello Ladies: While the executive order requiring a 14 day quarantine for out of state travel has been lifted, Allendale has told us that they are unable to accommodate single carts for a tournament event.
Therefore, we need to cancel our tournament at Allendale.
This frustrating for all of us.
But, the good news is that the season will definitely kick off with the
Four Ball Tournament at Pawtucket CC on June 16th.
Look for an email on Monday with a sign up link.
Meanwhile, stay safe and enjoy the great outdoors.
Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment

Season Start Update

Meadow Brook Cancelled

We are disappointed to report that because Meadow Brook is unable to accommodate a tournament at this time, the tournament has been cancelled. 

We are hopeful to open the season on Monday June 1st at Raceway Golf Club, pending either the lifting of the executive order that requires Rhode Islanders leaving the state to self-quarantine for 14 days upon their return to the state, or  clarifying whether this order pertains to playing golf outside of the state.  We expect to have an answer by the time registration opens next week.

Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment

May Board of Director’s Zoom Meeting

OSWGA Board of Director’s Zoom Meeting
Monday May 11, 2020
4:30 p.m.
Online Zoom Conference Call

If you would like to attend, please e-mail
Pat Dickson at president@oswga.org

Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment