December Board of Director’s Meeting
Tuesday December 12. 10:00
Montaup Country Club
December Board of Director’s Meeting
Tuesday December 12. 10:00
Montaup Country Club
Thank you to Lauretta Girouard for putting the following montage together from the Season’s pictures taken by OSWGA Photographer Betty Shadeck. Enjoy!
The Season End Banquet was a success!
Election results for the 2024 Board of Director’s are as follow:
Vice President – Peg Cherenzia
Treasurer – Jane Jordan
Corresponding Secretary – Maureen Ford
Congratulations and Thank You for your service.
A special Thank You to Carolyn Maney and Barbara Sitter who are stepping down from their positions as Vice President and Treasurer. Your hard work and commitment is greatly appreciated! It because of people like you that OSWGA continues to be able to thrive.
Thank you to all of our members and guests
who participated in the 2023 Season!
We appreciate you and your support of OSWGA
and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Wishing you all a safe and healthy Winter
and we look forward to seeing you next season!
November 2023 Board Meeting
OSWGA Annual Banquet Sunday November 5, 2023
Cranston Country Club