A reminder that OSWGA has adopted a “10 Stroke Differential” for some tournaments.
There seems to be some confusion-whether or not you can partner with someone who has a handicap that is more than the 10 strokes differential than yours. YES, you may! A detailed explanation is below. Please do not hesitate to contact any board member if you still need further explanation.
What is the “10 Stroke Differential”? The USGA recommends that the spread between partners’ Course Handicaps be limited to eight strokes. If the spread is greater, USGA studies have shown those teams have an unfair advantage. OSWGA has adopted a 10 stroke differential for some partner tournaments. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? Can I only partner with someone whose handicap is within 10 strokes of mine? No, you may partner with anyone regardless of their handicap but adjustments will be made if need be. For Example: Player A is a 9; player B is a 22. Player B’s handicap will be adjusted to a 19 and she will be treated as a 19 in all aspects of the tournament. It is noted in the handbook when it applies.