Wednesday August 24th
OSWGA Amateur Championship:
Format: Individual Medal Play
8:00 a.m. Shotgun
$65 Members / $75 Non-Members. Includes Carts & Lunch
Two-Person Team BB:
Format: 2 Females, 1 Best Ball
8:00 a.m. Shotgun
$65 Members / $75 Non-Members. Includes Carts & Lunch
Great day! Thank you for all you do. Mo Ford is a friend and great player! Mo and I went back and forth all day. We both shot 81…Mo went 39/42…I went 42/39. I knew where I was all day….had to make putt on 18. I knew we tied and said don’t put ur clubs away….someone said read the rules sheet…..tie broken on back 9/6/3/18… we both agree should be playoff…its the OSWGA Amateur!