The annual OSWGA Banquet was held on Sunday, November 4th. A good time was had by the 125 members who attended. Thank you to Vice President Pat Dickson for arranging all the details at the Radisson.
The basket raffle raised $1740 and the 50/50 raffle generated another $485. Thank you to all for your generosity-both in making the baskets and buying tickets! Ticket sales from both raffles generated a total of $2225 going directly into the Nathalie Price Scholarship Fund!
The by-laws revisions were approved unanimously. As a result of the approved changes; one being eliminating term restrictions for Board members; President Jackie Booth & Treasurer Luanne Googins were voted in to their present positions.
To her surprise, charter member Janina McCloskey was announced as the Trudy Dufault Service Award Recipient! Co-founder Trudy Dufault presented the award to the delight of all attending.
The 2013 schedule is almost completed and will be published once it’s finalized. It was announced that the 7th Annual Skills Challenge & Rules Clinic will be held at Green Valley Country Club April 7th, 2013.
Thanks to all for a fun year. Your support is necessary for the success of OSWGA. We’re looking forward to a super 2013!