OSWGA offer its immense gratitude to three ladies who have done so
much for this organization during their many years of volunteering.
Chris Trenholme
20 years of service as our Handicap Chair and most recently, our Data Coordinator. Chris worked incredibly hard every week to do many things. Most notably, she set up our flights, teams and pairings & managed all issues related to handicaps and pairing requests for all our tournaments. Chris also used her tech savvy to come up to speed on Golf Genius and handled the scoring for most of our tournaments for the past three years.
MaryAnn MacLaughlin
16+ years of a smiling face and the person happy to see everyone and make us happy to be there! Mare was one of the Assistant Tournament Directors who did so much, including: arrived to every tournament early to put out tee signs and observe course conditions, wrote up rules sheets each week, communicated with the golf pros to make sure we all knew what to expect, picked up those tee signs, wrote up tournament summaries and, as a member of the Board, attended meetings and generally helped in any way she could.
Peg Cherenzia
14 years of service. Peg was the other Assistant Tournament Director who made sure we got our scorecards in the morning and directed the check-in process. Peg was also a Board member who attended meetings, gave her input and worked behind the scenes to keep OSWGA successful.
Thank you Ladies! Your time and efforts will be greatly missed.
Time for you to relax a little and just play golf!