Category Archives: Updates

Kirkbrae Country Club-Host of the Nathalie A. Price Memorial Spring Open on April 15th-Opens April 1st & Closes April 8th

Congratulations to our overall winners-Annie Corio, Gail Hanna, Kibbe Reilly & Nancy Diemoz!   To read the article in SNEG on page 9-click here. Gift certificates are being mailed-except for anyone playing RICC-we will bring yours to the tournament on … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Tournaments-2013, Updates | Leave a comment

Reports of Tournament Handbook pdf garbled

A few users have reported when the try to see the on-line Tournament Handbook they end up with strange looking characters on the page. Most of them have been successful at solving this by doing two things: 1. Updating the … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Keeping You Informed, Updates | Leave a comment

President Jackie Booth welcomes you to the 2013 season!

I am excited and proud to be addressing the OSWGA membership again as its President!  I thank you for your continued support both on a personal note and for OSWGA. Thanks and appreciation are also due to all of our … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Updates | Leave a comment

Did you know?

Looking for something on this site? Let’s say your looking for info on the Skills Challenge-See the search box under “Contact us…..”  up and to your right? Type in Skills Challenge and click SEARCH.  Any posts with those key words should … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Updates | Leave a comment


Posted in 2013, Improve your Rules Knowledge, Keeping You Informed, Updates | Leave a comment