Category Archives: Updates

Quidnessett Country Club host of the RI Women’s State Team Championship on May 6th-Opens April 23rd & Closes April 30th

Congratulations to our overall winners-Ann Moran & Maureen Ford! [Not a valid template] Please take a minute to check out the sample scorecard for Quidnessett by clicking the link below. 2 person best ball scorecard  Quidnessett Results   MAY 6 … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Tournaments-2013, Updates | Leave a comment

OSWGA Statement on RIGA/RIWGA Merger

Click the link to read the Board approved statement. OSWGA STATEMENT ON RIGA/RIWGA Merger Below-ProJo article 5/28/13. Click on the newsprint to bring up a pdf file.                           … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Press Releases, Updates | Leave a comment

Fall River Country Club-Host of the OSWGA Team Championship-4 on April 29th-Opens April 15th & Closes April 23rd

Congratulations to our overall winners-Ann Moran, Maureen Ford, Roberta Davis & Trudy Dufault!   How about those fabulous desserts!!   FALL RIVER COUNTRY CLUB scorecard  Tee Assignments/Results     APRIL 29 (MONDAY) OSWGA TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP–4 MEMBER/GUEST–9:00 SHOTGUN Course: Fall River … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Tournament Information, Tournaments-2013, Updates | Leave a comment

Need to contact Trudy Dufault – OSWGA Tournament Director?

Please, any changes regarding you or your team or other inquiries about a tournament should be directed to Trudy Dufault, OSWGA Tournament Director at

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Tournament Information, Updates | Leave a comment

Current email address

A number of email addresses taken off the membership applications were difficult to read and as a result we have incorrect info for some of our members. If you’re not getting OSWGA updates from, shoot that address an email … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Updates | Leave a comment