Category Archives: Press Releases

USGA Announcement of Decision on Rule 14-1b

Click here to read more. And/or visit

Posted in 2013, Improve your Rules Knowledge, Keeping You Informed, Press Releases | Leave a comment

OSWGA Statement on RIGA/RIWGA Merger

Click the link to read the Board approved statement. OSWGA STATEMENT ON RIGA/RIWGA Merger Below-ProJo article 5/28/13. Click on the newsprint to bring up a pdf file.                           … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Keeping You Informed, Press Releases, Updates | Leave a comment

Rhode Island Endicott Team captures…….

The Rhode Island Endicott Team captured the Tri-State and Eaton Cups for the first time since the 70’s. Congratulations! Read here to read more.

Posted in 2012, Keeping You Informed, Press Releases | Leave a comment

Green Valley apologizes for disappointing luncheon…..

Dear OSWGA Members, First of all, thank for your continued support of OSWGA. We continue to be a force in women’s golf in RI and we could not be doing that without all of you! As a member of Green … Continue reading

Posted in 2012, Press Releases, Updates | Leave a comment

Member emails kicked back-check the list.

The following ladies emails were kicked back. If you are on this list and would like to receive email updates-tournament cancellations, event changes, “hot off the press” news, please email me, Jackie at and I’ll see why they are … Continue reading

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