Images tagged "oh-what-a-beautiful-morning"

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0 Responses to Images tagged "oh-what-a-beautiful-morning"

  1. Maureen Ford says:

    Great job on the slide show. I know how much work and time went into such a fine presentation of our members at play during the 2023 season. The music was fun and interesting and the pictures captured our crew at their finest moments. Thank you for these fine memories and all your hard work.
    Maureen Ford

  2. Jackie says:

    Great day! Thank you for all you do. Mo Ford is a friend and great player! Mo and I went back and forth all day. We both shot 81…Mo went 39/42…I went 42/39. I knew where I was all day….had to make putt on 18. I knew we tied and said don’t put ur clubs away….someone said read the rules sheet…..tie broken on back 9/6/3/18… we both agree should be playoff…its the OSWGA Amateur!