Fenner Hill Golf Club host of the OSWGA MIXED EVENT on September 3 Opens August 19 & Closes August 26

Congratulations to the overall winners Nancy Diemoz, Cissy Grady, Ted Bouchard & Mike Rogers!


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2014 Fenner Hill Pairings/Results

There will be a drop zone on hole #18 for  A-Division  ONLY.  It will be announced at the tournament. After attempting to hit across the hazard for A Division, those who go into the hazard may proceed to the other side. You will find 2 markers marked “Drop Zone”.  There will not be a line or circle. You may drop-not place-your ball within 2 club lengths behind the the imaginary line created by the foremost part of the markers.

See below NOTE: When using a dropping zone……………regarding your drop.

“If a ball is in or it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard (Hole #18), the player may:
(i) proceed under Rule 26; or
(ii) as an additional option, drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the Dropping Zone.

Note: When using a Dropping Zone the following provisions apply regarding the dropping and re-dropping of the ball:

(a) The player does not have to stand within the Dropping Zone when dropping the ball.
(b) The dropped ball must first strike a part of the course within the Dropping Zone.
(c) If the Dropping Zone is defined by a line, the line is within the Dropping Zone.
(d) The dropped ball does not have to come to rest within the Dropping Zone.
(e) The dropped ball must be re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest in a position covered by Rule 20-2c(i-vi).
(f) The dropped ball may roll nearer the hole than the spot where it first struck a part of the course, provided it comes to rest within two club-lengths of that spot and not into any of the positions covered by (e).
(g) Subject to the provisions of (e) and (f), the dropped ball may roll and come to rest nearer the hole than:
• its original position or estimated position (see Rule 20-2b);
• the nearest point of relief or maximum available relief (Rule 24-2, 24-3, 25-1 or 25-3); or
• the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or lateral water hazard (Rule 26-1).

2014 Fenner Hill Pairings

Sample Scorecard(Card is from North Kingstown but concept is the same)


Course: Fenner Hill Golf Club
33 Wheeler Lane * Hope Valley, RI
401-539-8000 www.fennerhill.com
Format: 2 Females/2 Males Texas Scramble
All players hit their tee shots, choose one and move all balls to that spot then play your own ball in. 2 Ball Aggregate
1 female/1 male score. Women-red tees/Men-white tees.
Drop areas for all divisions
EXCEPT Championship Division.
Must use at least 2 drives from each player.
Team handicap total cannot be less than 25.
Entries must include each player’s GHIN #.
Entry Fee: $240 per team
Cart and lunch included.
Prizes: Gross/Net in divisions based on the field.
Entry: Opens August 19 & Closes August 26
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